Bullinger KJV Companion Bible

The Companion Bible “provides self-explanatory notes to greatly aid the serious Bible student in gaining the most possible from the Bible with special attention to the intent of the original Bible languages as found in the Massoretic Hebrew Old Testament Text and the Greek Received Texts. A great many of the notes from the Massorah are also included. The amount of overall information provided is vast. References are given when the English language does not convey the full intent of the original Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek languages. Figures of speech and idioms are specially noted. The spiritual significance of numbers are pointed out. First occurrences of important words are noted. Eastern manners and customs are explained as needed to throw light on the Scriptures. The meanings of Proper Names of persons or places are given where these are suggestive. Money, coins, weights and measures are referred to in every case. Chronology is explained for Biblical years which are often found in durations rather than dates. Structures of the Books are given as a guide to interpretation and proof of their Inspiration. This great Bible is not a commentary, but rather provides all the information possible to allow the Bible student to learn God’s Word directly without interference from preconceived traditions of men.” (The Shepherd’s Chapel)
198 Appendixes of The Companion Bible is an “unparalleled amount of information by subject matter placed in order in which the subjects are raised in the Text of the Bible. With topics too numerous to name here these appendixes contain so much useful Bible background information that will provide many hours of additional relevant study.” (The Shepherd’s Chapel)
Ethelbert William Bullinger (E. W. Bullinger) was born on December 15, 1837, in Canterbury, England. Educated at King’s College, London, he was noted broadly for three works: A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament (1877); for his ground-breaking and exhaustive work on Figures of Speech Used in the Bible (1898); and as the primary editor of The Companion Bible (published in 6 parts, beginning in 1909; The Archbishop of Canterbury granted him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree in 1881 in recognition of his Biblical scholarship.
The Companion Bible
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Links to each of the Books of the Bible and the 198 Appendices of “The Companion Bible” by Bullinger are linked and available for you to view and download below for free.
Physical copies of “The Companion Bible” by Bullinger may be purchased through The Shepherd’s Chapel bookstore, Amazon, Christianbook.com, and other retailers.
Old Testament
New Testament